20 Things You Can Control

“It’s out of your control” is one of my personal mantras. As a bonafide type-A personality, I am constantly reminding myself that there are people and things that I shouldn’t spend time worrying about because I can’t do anything to change them. Never has this been more important than during the Covid-19 crisis when there is so much uncertainty, so few answers, and a very murky path forward to anything that feels like “normal” life.

But of course, there are also many things that ARE within my control. All of us can harness a positive attitude to make the days feel a little more manageable. The Nora Project team wants to remind you this week that when everything else feels unruly or disorderly, you can make a conscious choice about certain things, like the way you treat yourself and respond to others. 

We’ve created two handy lists, one for kids and one for adults, for you to download and put up in your home as a reminder for everyone in your family about what we CAN control when it feels like everything is upside down. Enjoy!

20 things you can control today-for kids.png
20 things you can control today-for parents (1).png

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