Referral Program

Educators and friends of The Nora Project, you know our programs best. You know the impact that they have made in your classrooms, and the way that they have deepened your understanding of disability. We’d love your help in reaching new schools and places of learning, by referring us to people in your network, so we can build inclusive classrooms far and wide.

How to make a referral:

  1. Think of a school or educator, who would benefit from our programs. This could be a fellow educator, your child or family member’s school, or your friend who is an educator.

  2. Send them an email (here’s a Family referral letter, and an Educator referral letter) sharing about who we are and how we help build inclusive classrooms.

  3. Email us at Info@TheNoraProject.Ngo (Subject: “Referral Notification”) to share the name of the person you referred and the name of their organization.

Your referral gift:

If your referral leads to the purchase of a program (professional learning or curricula), The Nora Project will send you a $25 Amazon gift card!There is no limit to the number of referrals an educator or friend of The Nora Project can make.

Thank you for your support in spreading the word about The Nora Project, so we can grow and extend our work of empowering educators and engaging students and communities!