The Nora Project’s Response to Attacks on Education and Disability Rights
As an organization committed to promoting disability inclusion and empowering educators and students, The Nora Project firmly believes the following:
Students and educators with and without disabilities have a fundamental human right to show up as their authentic selves, free from fear or discrimination.
All students, regardless of their beliefs, backgrounds, experiences, and ability, must have the opportunity to thrive in an inclusive and welcoming learning environment.
Recent conversations pertaining to state and federal policies have created a climate of uncertainty for students with and without disabilities, and their families. This instability deeply impacts emotional and academic well-being, making it harder for students to engage in school. The change of policies, laws, and federal agencies exacerbates these challenges. Many of these programs are essential for ensuring that schools have the resources, practices, and structures needed to support students with and without disabilities. Without this, schools would be less equipped or could no longer be legally required to serve all students, limiting opportunities and perpetuating cycles of inaccessibility. In response to these challenges, it is crucial that we work to build schools that not only recognize but actively celebrate the full range of human experiences.
What You Can Do
Stay informed. Be aware of federal policy changes regarding education and disability rights, and how they could impact local and statewide policies.
Connect with elected officials. If a policy is being discussed or amended, and what is proposed concerns you, reach out to your local legislators and/or school leaders to make your concerns known. You can help officials and community leaders understand the essential funding needed to support students with and without disabilities. Without this funding, schools will struggle to support students, provide accommodations, ensure access to robust curricula, and create spaces for students to learn, play, and thrive together.
Read the Standards for Inclusive Schools. This is The Nora Project’s roadmap for creating inclusive schools where students with and without disabilities are welcomed as their full and authentic selves, respected as integral members of the community, and empowered to advocate for themselves and others. These Standards provide a clear and actionable framework for you to use to develop inclusive schools that center educator and student advocacy.