Thinking Beyond the SEL Block
Time has always been a very precious resource within a school building. With so many changes to school this year, it seems like blocks of time have become even more protected, often leading to the elimination of time previously designated for social/emotional learning (SEL). Prioritizing math and language arts makes sense to keep kids on track academically, but we also know how important it is to continue to enrich kids’ academic experiences with SEL. In fact, it’s more important now than ever to incorporate SEL wherever we can given the isolation so many of our students and families are facing during this pandemic. No matter what age or subject you teach, it is possible to address social/emotional needs during the academic day.
The Nora Project team used the CASEL core competencies as the basis for some ideas about how to weave SEL into your existing instruction across all content areas. This printable PDF offers simple ideas that you can integrate today, without much planning or preparation. We can’t wait to hear how you use this resource - let us know in the comments!
Chalkboard background with blue, yellow, and white text “Thinking Beyond the SEL Block” along with a list of core school subjects.
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