The STEMpathy Club program is designed to bring together students with and without disabilities to be change makers in their school community. Students of all abilities work together in an inclusive club or classroom setting and take on a project that will make their school more inclusive from a physical, social, or cultural standpoint.


  • STEMpathy Club curriculum is available in Grades 5-8 and high school.

As part of the STEMpathy Club students will:

  • Receive direct instruction in disability awareness, best practices for inclusion, ableism and how to dismantle it, and advocacy.

  • Collaboratively develop a definition for inclusion and use that as a lens through which to examine their school - it' s physical structures, cultural practices, and academic and extracurricular programs.

  • Select a project and pitch it to school administrators, receiving feedback to refine their ideas.

  • Carry out the project and reflect on its effectiveness.

Teachers receive comprehensive training, materials, resources, and on-demand support from our program staff throughout implementation.

For more information on our program pricing, click here.

At The Nora Project, we are committed to working with schools to flexibly structure the program to meet their needs. To learn more or get your questions answered contact Katy at


I learned that as a teacher, it is my social and moral responsibility to make my students aware of inequities and social injustices. I need to have conversations about those in society who are marginalized, even if it makes people uncomfortable. I have to instill empathy and love in my students. I have to empower them and guide them in becoming agents of change, because my students will become our world's change makers.

Michelle Barrera, 5th Grade Teacher, Indian Knoll