Walk In My Shoes Blog Series - Call For Content

The Nora Project is seeking Nora Project teachers, parents, and students to contribute content to our newest Nora Notes blog series: Walk in My Shoes. This series will highlight the day-to-day experiences of people from all backgrounds, careers, and ages. 

At the heart of The Nora Project’s mission is teaching empathy, and never before has empathy been more important than in the Covid-era. As we teach our student participants, empathy is grounded in human connection. When we share our stories with others, we give them information about ourselves that helps them feel empathy and show us care and compassion in ways that truly meet our needs. The Nora Project aims to create more connections during this isolating time by inviting folks to share their stories on our Nora Notes Blog.

We hope that this series sheds light on the challenges we ALL face, and helps people develop empathy for one another in a time when human connection is lacking. We can’t wait for you to share your stories with us!

How to participate?

Write a blog post between 300 and 1000 words that shares what a day in your life is like right now. Share a bit about the day-to-day operations in your household, how you’re managing family, work, school, and other obligations or activities. Let the world know what’s been challenging, what has helped you muddle through, and anything else you think will help people understand your situation better. 

Send your posts to Katy Fattaleh at katy@thenoraproject.ngo along with at least 2 photographs: one of yourself, and another of you in your home environment that illustrates what you’ve written in your blog post. If you use social media, send us your handle(s) so we can tag you in any posts.

If you have any questions, contact Katy via email or phone at 773-413-9729.

Thank you so much for checking out Nora Notes blog! Please take this short survey to give us your feedback so we can continue to provide the content you need.